Working Woman Executive Ends her Life - Sexual Harassment Again
by Rashmi Singh, 27th June, 2011
A woman CEO of a tea company in Jaipur has recently committed suicide on 11th June, 2011. She has left behind a suicide note that on June 8th, 2011 the M.D. of her company G. K. Dalmia and his friend Sunil Jain raped her after having drugged her in the flat. She mentioned that the accused ( G. K. Dalmia) wanted her to clear some company documents with financial irregularities which she refused. To teach her a lesson she was raped.
Read full story here.
We want to ask ourselves following questions:
- Isn’t it a clear case of sexual harassment at workplace for women?
- If she had not committed suicide and then reported the matter to police or government authorities then what different would have happened?
- Would the police have written a rape complaint then?
- How much maximum punishment would the accused have got if proved( say after 20 years)?
- Why wouldn’t the world take it a rape case then?
- How many working women go ahead and commit suicide in similar circumstances?
- Just to make a working women’s voice heard in our society, do we need to commit suicide for no offence of ours?
- For those who don’t committed suicide:
- What kind of justice exists for them in India?
- If they raise the matter by complaining in the company or complaining to police authorities, will anybody hear it. Won’t she be silenced?
- Won’t be seen as a stigma in our cheap society?
- How this incident will affect her self-respect and dignity? How will she be able to live in Indian society for the rest of life?
- What type of persecution lays ahead for her if she does not leave or is not in position of resigning her present job?
- Does the gravity of accused’s crime depends on whether or not his victim commits suicide?
Does the gravity of accused’s crime depends on whether or not his victim commits suicide? If no then why there are no laws to punish the accused in the victim of sexual harassment does not commit suicide? As of now in 99% of cases the accused will go scot free. I think it is not exaggeration to say that even if the accused gets punished after 20 years, he may be slapped fine of Rs.1000 + 2 years of imprisonment.
But since she has committed suicide, the accused is booked of rape charges.
Foolish laws!
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